Odd Sverre Hove, my best friend in Bergen, Norway, tells me that there are four streams of thought on the Internet about the title. Rowling’s other six titles, and then move into literary alchemy, one of the five keys I think every serious reader of the books needs to get at their meaning. I’ll start with a friend’s collection of Fandom speculation, continue with my first thoughts, which were about Ms. Having said that, I have not heard or read anyone saying what I have thought about the title so it shouldn’t hurt if I share my reflections. Fair warning: I don’t have any sure answers to the question and I am skeptical of anyone who thinks we will know what it means before the book is in our hands. Merry Christmas to those of you on the Gregorian Calendar! I start this weBlog with the question I have heard the most this last week: “What does the title of the seventh book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, mean?” It caused nearly six pages of speculation on my private boards and I don’t think anyone there feels they have a good grip on it yet.