It may seem like not a big deal for one girl to get shot, but it effected most of the people, and sometimes they would kill a whole Block. A young girl got worked about about not finding her mother, and not having a bed, so the SS officer shot her. Photo Courtesy Of: Homeħ Riot In our book, riots were caused whenever somebody didn’t listen to an SS officer. In our book, the Nagymagyar Ghetto had one public bathroom, kitchen, and shower. Sometimes, twelve or more people were put into one room, or two small rooms. Photo Courtesy Of: 5/jewishCHILDREN-Poland.GIF HomeĦ Ghettos After Jews were forced to evacuate their homes, they were crammed into ghettos.

Evacuation was quick, and Elli and her mom lost a lot of their personal possessions while moving from home to the ghetto. Photo Courtesy Of content/uploads/2010/01/nazi-tattoo-jewish- Homeĥ Evacuation When the Nazi’s invaded Budapest, close to our character’s home town, things soon started changing for them. In almost every concentration camp, the inmates were required to get numbers tattooed on their arms. This was done so that the Jews couldn’t have an identity, and for pure humiliation. Photo Courtesy Of HomeĤ Identity In Auschwitz, and almost every other concentration camp, heads were shaved, and clothes were taken away. In our book, Elli, her brother, and her mom are separated from their father. In the Holocaust, families were separated and sometimes never found each other. 2 Home Separation Setting Identity Evacuation Rising Action LiquidationĬlimax Riot Starvation Falling Action Decimation Immigration Resolutionģ Separation No matter how hostile a German soldier was, or what impact the Holocaust had, a family is still a family.